Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Discover the top 10 social impact startups in India making a difference in education, healthcare, agriculture, renewable energy, and more. Learn how these innovative ventures are transforming lives and driving sustainable development across the country.

India’s entrepreneurial ecosystem has witnessed a surge in startups that aim to create positive social change. These social impact startups address critical issues like education, healthcare, agriculture, and sustainability, striving to uplift communities and improve the quality of life for millions. Here are the top 10 social impact startups in India making a significant difference:


Byju's-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India
Byju’s-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Sector: Education

BYJU’S has revolutionized education in India with its innovative and engaging learning app. Catering to students from K-12 and competitive exams, BYJU’S combines personalized learning, rich visual content, and interactive lessons to make education accessible and enjoyable.

With over 100 million registered students, BYJU’S has significantly improved learning outcomes. The app’s focus on personalized education helps bridge the educational divide, especially in underserved areas.

OverviewInnovative learning app offering K-12 and competitive exam preparation with personalized and interactive lessons.
ImpactOver 100 million registered students, improving learning outcomes and bridging educational divides.
Key FeaturesEngaging visual content, personalized learning paths, interactive quizzes, and video lessons.
FoundersByju Raveendran and Divya Gokulnath
Byju’s-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Read more: Top 10 FoodTech Startups in India

2. AgroStar

AgroStar-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India
AgroStar-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Sector: Agriculture

AgroStar leverages technology to empower farmers by providing them with access to quality inputs, agronomy advice, and market linkages. The startup operates an m-commerce platform where farmers can buy seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides.

AgroStar has positively impacted over 5 million farmers across India, enhancing their productivity and income. By delivering timely and relevant information, AgroStar helps farmers make informed decisions, leading to better crop yields and sustainable farming practices.

Overviewm-commerce platform providing quality inputs, agronomy advice, and market linkages to farmers.
ImpactPositively impacted over 5 million farmers across India, enhancing productivity and income.
Key FeaturesAccess to seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and real-time agronomy advice.
FoundersShardul Sheth and Sitanshu Sheth
AgroStar-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Read more: Top 10 Edutech Startups in India

3. Swasth

Swasth-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India
Swasth-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Sector: Healthcare

Swasth is a telemedicine platform that connects patients with doctors, offering affordable and accessible healthcare services. It integrates teleconsultations, diagnostics, and pharmacies to provide a seamless healthcare experience.

Swasth has facilitated over 2 million teleconsultations, making healthcare accessible to remote and underserved populations. By reducing the need for physical visits, Swasth has also alleviated the burden on the healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic.

OverviewTelemedicine platform connecting patients with doctors, offering affordable and accessible healthcare services.
ImpactFacilitated over 2 million teleconsultations, improving healthcare access in remote areas.
Key FeaturesTeleconsultations, diagnostics, integrated pharmacies, and healthcare management.
FoundersSwasth Foundation
Swasth-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Read more: Top 10 TravelTech Startups in India

4. SELCO India

SELCO India-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India
SELCO India-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Sector: Renewable Energy

SELCO India focuses on providing sustainable energy solutions to underserved communities. The company designs and implements solar energy products and services tailored to the needs of rural and urban poor populations.

SELCO has installed over 500,000 solar systems, impacting more than 2 million people. The startup’s solutions have enabled better education, healthcare, and livelihoods by providing reliable and clean energy.

SectorRenewable Energy
OverviewProvides sustainable energy solutions to underserved communities through solar products and services.
ImpactInstalled over 500,000 solar systems, impacting more than 2 million people.
Key FeaturesSolar lighting, solar water heaters, solar power packs, and micro-grids.
FoundersHarish Hande
WebsiteSELCO India
SELCO India-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Read more: Top 10 Mobility Startups in India

5. Frontier Markets

Frontier Markets-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India
Frontier Markets-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Sector: Women Empowerment and Rural Distribution

Frontier Markets empowers rural women by training them to become solar and home appliance entrepreneurs. These women, known as “Solar Sahelis,” distribute products like solar lanterns, home appliances, and agricultural tools.

Frontier Markets has trained over 5,000 Solar Sahelis, impacting more than 1 million households. The startup not only improves energy access but also provides women with sustainable livelihoods and a sense of empowerment.

SectorWomen Empowerment and Rural Distribution
OverviewTrains rural women to become entrepreneurs distributing solar and home appliances.
ImpactTrained over 5,000 women, impacting more than 1 million households.
Key FeaturesSolar lanterns, home appliances, agricultural tools, and entrepreneurship training.
FoundersAjaita Shah
WebsiteFrontier Markets
Frontier Markets-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

6. Ambee

Ambee-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India
Ambee-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Sector: Environmental Monitoring

Ambee provides real-time environmental data on air quality, weather, and other critical parameters. The startup uses a network of sensors and advanced analytics to offer insights that help individuals and businesses make informed decisions.

Ambee’s data is used by governments, enterprises, and individuals to mitigate the effects of pollution and climate change. By raising awareness and providing actionable insights, Ambee contributes to healthier communities and a cleaner environment.

SectorEnvironmental Monitoring
OverviewProvides real-time environmental data on air quality, weather, and other critical parameters.
ImpactUsed by governments, enterprises, and individuals to mitigate pollution and climate change effects.
Key FeaturesNetwork of sensors, advanced analytics, real-time data, and actionable insights.
FoundersMadhusudan Anand, Jaideep Singh, and Akshay Joshi
Ambee-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

7. Haqdarshak

Haqdarshak-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India
Haqdarshak-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Sector: Social Security

Haqdarshak helps citizens access government welfare schemes and services. The platform uses a combination of technology and field agents to identify eligible beneficiaries and assist them in applying for various schemes.

Haqdarshak has supported over 1 million citizens in accessing benefits worth more than INR 300 crore. The startup’s efforts ensure that marginalized communities receive the social security benefits they are entitled to, improving their quality of life.

SectorSocial Security
OverviewHelps citizens access government welfare schemes and services through technology and field agents.
ImpactSupported over 1 million citizens in accessing benefits worth more than INR 300 crore.
Key FeaturesTechnology platform, field agents, eligibility identification, and application assistance.
FoundersAniket Doegar
Haqdarshak-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

8. Aavishkaar

Aavishkaar-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India
Aavishkaar-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Sector: Impact Investment

Aavishkaar is a pioneer in impact investing in India, focusing on businesses that create social and environmental benefits. The firm provides capital and support to startups in sectors like agriculture, education, healthcare, and financial inclusion.

Aavishkaar has invested in over 60 enterprises, impacting millions of lives. By fostering a robust ecosystem of socially responsible businesses, Aavishkaar contributes to sustainable development and poverty alleviation.

SectorImpact Investment
OverviewProvides capital and support to startups creating social and environmental benefits.
ImpactInvested in over 60 enterprises, impacting millions of lives.
Key FeaturesImpact investment, venture capital, business support, and mentorship.
FoundersVineet Rai
Aavishkaar-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

9. Goonj

Goonj-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India
Goonj-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Sector: Disaster Relief and Rural Development

Goonj is a non-profit that addresses basic needs like clothing, education, and sanitation in rural India. It repurposes urban waste into usable resources for rural communities and implements development programs through community participation.

Goonj has reached over 4 million people across 25 states in India. The organization’s innovative approach to resource management and community engagement has led to sustainable development and disaster resilience in vulnerable areas.

SectorDisaster Relief and Rural Development
OverviewAddresses basic needs like clothing, education, and sanitation by repurposing urban waste and implementing community-driven development programs.
ImpactReached over 4 million people across 25 states in India.
Key FeaturesResource management, community participation, disaster resilience, and sustainable development programs.
FoundersAnshu Gupta
Goonj-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

10. Ergos

Ergos-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India
Ergos-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Sector: Agri-tech

Ergos provides a unique “GrainBank” model that allows farmers to store their produce in a digital warehouse, access credit against stored grains, and sell their produce at the right time for better prices.

Ergos has created a significant impact on over 20,000 farmers by increasing their income and reducing post-harvest losses. The startup’s model ensures that farmers have better control over their produce and financial stability.

OverviewProvides a “GrainBank” model allowing farmers to store their produce, access credit, and sell at optimal prices.
ImpactImpacted over 20,000 farmers by increasing income and reducing post-harvest losses.
Key FeaturesDigital warehousing, credit access, market linkage, and price optimization.
FoundersKishor Jha and Praveen Kumar
Ergos-Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

These startups exemplify the potential of entrepreneurship to drive social change. By addressing critical issues through innovative solutions, they are not only improving lives but also contributing to the sustainable development of India. As these startups continue to grow and scale their operations, their impact on society is likely to deepen, paving the way for a more equitable and inclusive future.

frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the top 10 social impact startups in India:


  1. What is BYJU’S?
  • BYJU’S is an innovative learning app that offers personalized and interactive lessons for K-12 students and those preparing for competitive exams.
  1. How many students use BYJU’S?
  • Over 100 million students are registered on BYJU’S.
  1. What makes BYJU’S different from other educational platforms?
  • BYJU’S combines engaging visual content, personalized learning paths, and interactive quizzes to make learning more enjoyable and effective.
  1. Where can I learn more about BYJU’S?
  • Visit their official website: BYJU’S.


  1. What is AgroStar?
  • AgroStar is an m-commerce platform providing farmers with quality agricultural inputs, agronomy advice, and market linkages.
  1. How does AgroStar benefit farmers?
  • AgroStar enhances productivity and income for over 5 million farmers by providing timely and relevant agricultural information and quality products.
  1. What kind of products can farmers buy on AgroStar?
  • Farmers can purchase seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and more.
  1. Where can I learn more about AgroStar?
  • Visit their official website: AgroStar.


  1. What is Swasth?
  • Swasth is a telemedicine platform connecting patients with doctors to offer affordable and accessible healthcare services.
  1. How many consultations has Swasth facilitated?
  • Swasth has facilitated over 2 million teleconsultations.
  1. What services does Swasth offer?
  • Swasth offers teleconsultations, diagnostics, and integrated pharmacy services.
  1. Where can I learn more about Swasth?
  • Visit their official website: Swasth.


  1. What is SELCO India?
  • SELCO India provides sustainable energy solutions through solar products and services to underserved communities.
  1. How many people have been impacted by SELCO India?
  • SELCO India has impacted over 2 million people with its solar solutions.
  1. What products does SELCO India offer?
  • SELCO India offers solar lighting, solar water heaters, solar power packs, and micro-grids.
  1. Where can I learn more about SELCO India?

Frontier Markets

  1. What is Frontier Markets?
  • Frontier Markets empowers rural women by training them to distribute solar and home appliances in their communities.
  1. How many women have been trained by Frontier Markets?
  • Over 5,000 women, known as Solar Sahelis, have been trained.
  1. What impact has Frontier Markets had?
  • Frontier Markets has impacted more than 1 million households.
  1. Where can I learn more about Frontier Markets?


  1. What is Ambee?
  • Ambee provides real-time environmental data on air quality, weather, and other critical parameters.
  1. Who uses Ambee’s data?
  • Ambee’s data is used by governments, enterprises, and individuals to mitigate the effects of pollution and climate change.
  1. What are the key features of Ambee?
  • Ambee offers a network of sensors, advanced analytics, and real-time data insights.
  1. Where can I learn more about Ambee?
  • Visit their official website: Ambee.


  1. What is Haqdarshak?
  • Haqdarshak helps citizens access government welfare schemes and services through technology and field agents.
  1. How many citizens have benefited from Haqdarshak?
  • Over 1 million citizens have accessed benefits worth more than INR 300 crore through Haqdarshak.
  1. What services does Haqdarshak provide?
  • Haqdarshak provides eligibility identification, application assistance, and technology platform services.
  1. Where can I learn more about Haqdarshak?


  1. What is Aavishkaar?
  • Aavishkaar is an impact investment firm that provides capital and support to startups creating social and environmental benefits.
  1. How many enterprises has Aavishkaar invested in?
  • Aavishkaar has invested in over 60 enterprises.
  1. What sectors does Aavishkaar focus on?
  • Aavishkaar focuses on agriculture, education, healthcare, and financial inclusion.
  1. Where can I learn more about Aavishkaar?


  1. What is Goonj?
  • Goonj is a non-profit organization that addresses basic needs like clothing, education, and sanitation in rural India by repurposing urban waste.
  1. How many people has Goonj reached?
  • Goonj has reached over 4 million people across 25 states in India.
  1. What are Goonj’s key initiatives?
  • Goonj’s initiatives include resource management, community participation, disaster resilience, and sustainable development programs.
  1. Where can I learn more about Goonj?
  • Visit their official website: Goonj.


  1. What is Ergos?
  • Ergos provides a “GrainBank” model allowing farmers to store their produce, access credit, and sell at optimal prices.
  1. How many farmers have been impacted by Ergos?
  • Ergos has impacted over 20,000 farmers.
  1. What are the key features of Ergos’ GrainBank model?
  • The GrainBank model includes digital warehousing, credit access, market linkage, and price optimization.
  1. Where can I learn more about Ergos?
  • Visit their official website: Ergos.

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